I belong to a CSA fruit share provided by AzureB llc. I get all sorts of yummy organic tropical fruit, loads of avocados and sometimes a strange looking item that I've never tried. In my August share I received the most amazing (and weird) item of all time: Monstera Deliciosa.
Wikepidia describes it thus:
a creeping vine native to tropical rainforests of southern Mexico south to Colombia... [with] fruit up to 10 inches long and 1.5 inches in diameter, looking like a green ear of maize covered with hexagonal scales.
The daggone thing came with instructions rubberbanded around it's middle. These pictographs advised me to place the fruit into a drinking glass and leave it out on my counter for several days. Once the scales of this dinosaur looking oddity began to drop off, I would know that the fruit was ready to be devoured.
I'm game!
I did as I was instructed and I've recorded the entire 5-day event for you straight from my kitchen:
I'm not afraid to tell you that when I cut into this crazy corn-on-the-cob-from-another-planet I was guessing that it would absolutely NOT be delicious but instead slimy and oversweet. But what's the harm in tasting it, right?
OK... this thing was so very, very delicious! mmmmmmmm.... It was mild, it was not slimy, the distinct kernels were approximately as crunchy as overcooked corn. The flavor was a mild pineapple meets a white grape. Not unlike lichee. It was sweet, but not too. Overall, I thought this would be an excellent addition to any summer brunch and would pair wonderfully with white wine and cheese.
100% Moose approved - I highly recommend it.