I’m so excited that it’s finally spring and I’m able to enjoy the colorful blooms and to watch the trees getting their pretty green leaves and buds. The songbirds sound pleased as well! Soon the hummingbirds will be at all the feeders and butterflies will be checking out my flower beds. This newsletter is a little late because I was spending every available moment carving our 40' x 40' garden from scratch out of woods and lawn this spring! Just one girl and a garden hoe 😊
As we’re abiding Gov Hogan’s stay-in-place guidelines, we’ve cancelled the April market hosted here on the farm that’s normally scheduled for the third Sunday of each month. Instead, we request that you make an appointment to come out individually to pick up your pre-reserved chicks, ducklings, or hatching eggs. We’re teleworking so we can be very flexible with our schedule at the moment. We also request that you come wearing a facemask and follow social distancing guidelines.
What’s available this month (April):
For Your Table:
All photos & descriptions are at http://www.moosemanorfarms.com/meat.html
I mention the next two items simply because I’m getting a LOT of phone calls: We expect to have pastured poultry for your table in May. I’m tentatively scheduling 2 harvests, one for the 3rd weekend in May and another for the last weekend in May. We’ll see how the broilers are growing out next month and see if Mr. Fox minds the fence...
We are suspending table egg reservations for the next several weeks because we currently have pick-ups scheduled out to mid-May and there’s no telling what the girls will decide to give me when the weather warms and they start going broody.
For Your Coop & Pasture:
All photos & descriptions are at http://www.moosemanorfarms.com/livestock-for-sale.html
Pilgrim Geese:
- This is the only American goose breed which is auto-sexing. We aren’t offering goslings or goose hatching eggs this year while we’re carefully evaluating our offspring for future breeding selections. That means we have to grow the goslings out to fully feathered. So this year we’ll be offering juveniles and adults only. This month we have a small selection of juvenile geese and, in order to encourage you to take a pair (which is much better for the geese), we’re keeping prices much lower than normal for juveniles and offering pairs for $80. Individual juvies my be purchased for $55 ea. and Adults are $85 ea.
Ducklings $12 ea:
- Indian Runner Assortment (may be a selection of Penciled, Emery, White, or Saxony)
- Golden Cascade
- Black Cayuga
- Ancona (sex-linked only)
- White French Production Muscovy
Chicks $12 ea:
- Light Sussex
- Black Copper Marans (feather legged)
- Transylvania Naked Neck Turken (may be Frizzled or Smooth)
Meat Makers Available Now:
Get them here: http://www.moosemanorfarms.com/livestock-for-sale.html#Lamb
- Polypay Lambs to grow for your freezer: $75 ea. Lambs are just weaned and ready for your pasture! Raised naturally on their mother's milk while out on our pasture, a wonderful multi-purpose breed known for their exceptional flavor profile and "non-gamey" taste.
- Mellow Mutton: $300 ea. 3+ year old pastured ewes that are ready for you to take to your butcher now. The meat is a darker red than that of most lamb you see on the market. But it is also well marbled with a mild, yet distinctive flavor. Grain finished.
Meat Makers Available for Pre-order:
Get them here: http://www.moosemanorfarms.com/livestock-for-sale.html#RedKing
- Red King Heirloom Broiler Chickens $3 ea.
- Minimum order of just 5 chicks. Reserve now for pick-up in May and/or June.
- Broadbreasted White Turkeys: $8.50 ea.
- Minimum order of just 3 poults. Reserve now for pick-up in July – perfect for your Thanksgiving harvest.