2022 Order Form for Hatchling Reservations
All birds sold for pick-up here on the farm. All birds are large fowl and, except for meat birds, the minimum order is 3 ducklings/chicks or 2 goslings. If you want to mix and match your 3 duckling minimum just let me know that in the note section of the reservation page. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to be notified of our monthly availability.
How the reservation form works: Unless otherwise indicated, what's available below can be picked up this month. Your free online "registration" is your reservation on the waiting list. The center column shows the number of reservations (ie: individual ducklings or chicks) remaining for the current month. The drop down selector is showing the maximum of each breed I can guarantee to hatch (based on average number of eggs set each week). Order form updated monthly. Prices subject to change. Availability subject to Mother Nature. **Availability updates in the first week of each month via our newsletter** Availability for 2022: If the order form below doesn't display properly please follow this link: http://bit.ly/Hatch2022 |