Last night and this morning in Southern Maryland we had buckets of rain and some high winds. for the last couple of hours we've had a lull in the wind. The worst is supposed to arrive at 2am tomorrow morning. While the wind was down and I didn't have to worry about sideways rain, I went outside to take some video. It's not the best quality since I have my phone shoved in a ziplock baggie and it's also getting speckled by raindrops.- plus I'm tromping around in my rubber boots making it a bit unsteady. But so far, we've not sustained any damage. There hasn't been (knock wood) any trees down in my yard or large branches. We heard some loud cracking and crashing in the neighboring woods, but there isn't anything that will be crushed in those parts of the property.
I'm happy to say that these video's are very boring :) Here's the front yard:
The chickens are pretty unhappy about the deluge. They're mostly keeping inside the henhouse. A few of the juvenile girls are making runs back in forth from one protected area to another, and a few brave souls are going on with business as normal and looking like a bunch of drowned rats.
Here's the barnyard:
This is why I like to visit the beach but I don't want to live at the beach. This nasty mess is a combination of surf foam and wet sand flying around like cotton candy and coating everything in sight. Gross.
I'll keep you posted as new pictures or video are taken. Like I said, so far we're doing quite well, just a lot wet and without power but I think we're set to deal with that just fine... at least until we run out of beer.