Preparing roasted goose or duck for a special holiday dinner is a time-honored custom across many cultures but has become a rare pleasure in America. With turkey in abundance here,it's certainly narrowed the availability of dressed waterfowl for our holiday tables.
You may come by to pick up your fresh, unfrozen birds on Sunday, November 9th from 10am - 5pm or Monday from 7am - 7pm. At 7pm Monday all uncollected birds will be placed in the freezer and you can contact me to arrange a convenient pick up time. If I don't hear from you by Wednesday I'll open your reservation to my waiting list.
Please make your selections on the top of this page under "ticketing" by using the drop downs (the number displayed is the number of unreserved birds remaining). Choose the quantity of each bird you would like to reserve from Saturday’s harvest and click the green "Register" button, you will then be directed to enter your name and contact information for my records. Payment is due at time of pick-up based on the final weight of the birds (see product descriptions for average weights)
If you would like a goose or a turkey (limited supply) for Thanksgiving please send me an email and I can have it ready for pick-up Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Otherwise, there will be a goose harvest close to the Christmas holiday. So if you miss out on this harvest, not to worry, I'll be posting other in the spring!
Need a recipe? Check here: MMF Recipes or here: Hank Shaw (my go-to-guy!)