Hatching Eggs
Includes shipping: Duck & Chicken Hatching Eggs $65/dozen, Guinea $45/dozen, Goose $20 each, Turkey $10 each.
Your registration is free, you pay when you pick them up or I mail them out. I start mailing hatching eggs beginning April 1st when hatching eggs are available until sold out for your incubator or broody hen (Muscovy eggs are generally available until October). I send fertilized eggs via USPS priority mail (pricing for med & large boxes on USPS site) that are no more than 4 days old and I carefully pack them for the best chance of intact arrival. However, I cannot guarantee hatchability as that is very dependent on rough PO handling, the care of the eggs once received, and your incubator.
Your free online "registration" is your reservation on the waiting list online ordering helps me keep track of the queue. ORDER BY INDIVIDUAL EGG, NOT BY DOZEN. For duck & chicken eggs, the minimum total order is 6 eggs, but you're welcome to mix and match them. |