On Easter Sunday 3 little baby goslings were coaxed from their satin shells into the world. My mama Muscovy, newly named Gåsmer or "Mother Goose" in Swedish, has been such a wonderful broody, and now caretaker, of these fat Buddha goose babies.
Of the 6 eggs I put under her she hatched 3, and based on the notations Kim wrote on the shell, I now have 2 Sebastopol and 1 American Blue goslings. It would appear that the golden baby pictured above is a white Sebbie and one of the dark & yellow fluffers is a Saddleback Sebbie. The other dark gosling is my new little American Blue.
All 3 are very sweet and friendly. When I open the door of their little house in the morning they meet me right away with their tiny necks craned out and their little baby goosey sounds peep peep peeping through. One especially, my tiny Curious George, really does like to snuggle a moment every morning and chew on my hair. GoldenChild is the least happy to be picked up but, honestly, doesn't seem to mind that much. I've been handling them quite a bit to keep them friendly, although I'm not sure, in my experience, that there's a true correlation to the amount of handling they get as babies and their level of friendliness as adults. I'll say for sure that some handling is helpful but once they mature I see a big difference between behavior as a baby compared to their level of trust as an adult - in opposing directions most often. One thing remains constant: their response to the sound of my voice. All my birds respond positively to the sound of my voice but each respond differently to my nearness. So, all that said, I think a moderate amount of stress-free handling is important when they're small, but don't expect them to still be eating out of your hand in 2 months.

I haven't determined the sex of these fluffers yet. I did an initial gender evaluation but it was inconclusive so I'll have to do another after a short instructive video viewing at the Metzer Farms website. I'm hoping that my American Blue is a girl so that I can finally have a pair... unfortunately, one of my 2 boys will have to find a new home. Sad but very necessary for pair bonding.
I'm excited that the babies are finally here, healthy and happy. I'll keep you posted on their progress!