This week is supposed to give us a ton of sunshine and our most pleasant days of the year before it finally cools off for real. Saturday night is supposed to be in the 30’s! Brrrrr… but we’re hoping the sun warms us nicely on Sunday for our Monthly Market. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday, Oct 18th (the 3rd Sunday) between 8am-2pm along with our good friends, Glory Fields with the last of their summer vegetables and beautiful flowers!
Our November Market will be adjusted to the 4th Sunday - November 22 - to accommodate fresh birds for your Thanksgiving table. You can reserve them on our meats page for pick up on the Sunday before the big holiday.
What’s available this month (October 18):
Meat is reserved here:
- Pasture Raised Whole Chicken - $4.50/lb
- Pasture Raised Lamb by the cut - $ Varies
For Your Coop & Pasture:
All photos & descriptions are at
- White Indian Runner pairs and trios: $50/pair or $95/trio Reserve
What’s available for your Thanksgiving table next month (November 22):
- Pasture Raised Broadbreasted White Turkey - $4.50/lb
- Pasture Raised Heritage Naragansett Turkey - $6.50/lb
- Pasture Raised Heritage Duck - $4.50/lb
- Pasture Raised Lamb by the cut - $ Varies