They love it when I salt the yard with fresh straw... they all run right out to eat up the seed heads. Must be like hershey kisses in the chicken world! Then they scratch around under it to see if any bugs might be hiding down there. One of those chicks caught herself a cricket or something and I heard this ruckus of complaining cheeps then I saw her running across the yard with this bug sticking out of her beak. All the babies were chasing her, complaining the whole time, and she was playing a good game of keep-away. The early bird catches the grasshopper!
They're doing a lot of hopping, flapping and general running around and I can tell that Buffy feels that they're safest when she has the henyard to herself. So I let everyone else out - except the two juvenile birds who are still too young to wander - and Buffy just lets her babies run like crazy all over.