She hatched out 6 Welsummer chicks in April (read about that here) and then in August she went broody again. For a week I kicked her out of the nestbox each day and collected the eggs. She’d run around the barnyard like she was supposed to until that night when she would sleep in the nest box. I figured if she was so committed I’d order her more fertile eggs (remember, I have no rooster here). So I ordered a dozen from a fellow chicken keeper (Dipsy Doodle Doo) in Arkansas (Clovis Place Garden and Poultry) whom I met through She was kind enough to put together a variety pack of colored egg layers of interesting looking birds and sent a collection of 15 eggs of Ameraucana, Silkies in a variety of colors, Naked Neck Turkins, and frizzles. The colors of the eggs I received were really great! There were tan, olive green, and two shades of blue.
I can see that I have one Turkin because it’s the only chick without feathers on its neck. The others are interesting colors but I’m not sure yet what I’ve got out there. Once they’re old enough to sex I’ll figure out what to keep and what to sell and look forward to then finding out what color eggs I’ll be getting. Very egg-citing!
Buffy just loves being a mom and she’s very good at it. I let the other chickens out to free-range and close their access off to the henyard, then I open the broody box gate and let Buff take her babies out for a private scratching match. That’ll work great until they’re bigger and she’s ready to bring them out onto the property. For now they’re snack-size morsels for the Muscovy so I’ll keep them in a safe place until they’re old enough. Wow… 10 more chickens! Wonder how many will turn out to be roo’s?