Take the survey here:
The basic idea is this:
I figure a class size of between 4-7 people at $25 per person is reasonable. A small group allows everyone to see what's going on and I can do hands-on for that number by myself.
1. I give an overview of what we plan to accomplish and use a couple of diagrams to show students how we plan to do it.
2. I process one bird from beginning to end so students can see how the entire operation moves from one step to another fluidly.
3. Then the students get their birds and I walk everyone through the steps again while they do the processing themselves.
4. Once all the birds are harvested and packaged we have lunch which includes the bird I processed in the beginning of the class (I'll have a trusty assistant cooking that up while we're doing the hands-on part).
5. Then the students collect the bird they processed and take it home.
If that sounds interesting, take the survey and let me know!