Today my American Blue Goose hatching eggs arrived from my friend Kim Kelly! She even tossed in a couple of bonus Sebastopol eggs...
This will be my first time attempting to artificially incubate goose eggs. I have a Muscovy girl who looks like she's giving a great deal of consideration to going broody but hasn't really committed herself to it full time yet. That's a bummer because I was hoping to remove the wooden eggs from her nest and slide these wonderful works of goose art right in under that warm, feathered bum of hers. Wouldn't she have been pleased to sit 5 days less than her own would've confined her? Oh well... I can certainly put that fluffy bottom to work on other duties once she gets herself settled.
These eggs are HUGE! I had to take some pictures just for posterity. I knew they were big but until you actually hold one...
This is one of the goose eggs next to an average sized, grade "large", chicken egg - one of my Marans eggs to be exact. Just look at the size of that goose egg! Wow. I can see how it's often said that a goose egg is a meal for two - LOL! What an omelet, eh? And I know, I know... when you compare the size of a gooses body to the size of a chickens body it does make sense - it's just - how often do you hold an egg that size? Cross your fingers for me that I get a good hatch so that I'll have a reliable supply of these enormous eggs of my own. I'm hoping for a minimum of 2 girls from the Americans and a pair from the Sebbies (that'll be a wonderful stroke of luck!) A girl can dream... What a fun project I'm embarking on tonight... I'll try to post pictures of their progress over the next 30 days. . |